
Confocal laser scanning microscope LSM 510 (Carl Zeiss)

This is the primary research equipment at our Centre and at the time it arrived it was the first of its kind in the country. It is comprised of LSM 510 system with Axioskop 2FS mot microscope. The laser block contains an Argon-laser (with several spectral lines: 457 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm) and two Helium-Neon lasers (543 nm and 633 nm).


“Visitron” system for dynamic video-microscopy

Visitron systems is comprised of Carl Zeiss Axio Observer A1 inverted microscope with “Evolve” EM 512 digital camera, High Speed Polychromatic Illumination System (300-650nm) and three Chroma filter sets (Fura, FITC & TRITC). The system is designed for investigating changes in intracellular ion concentrations and production of free radicals.


Laboratory animal facility

Our animal facility is host to: rat strains Wistar & Sprague Dawley and mouse strain C57Bl/6J, as well as transgenic animals: ALS rat hSOD1G93A and tenascin-C -/- mouse.

Cell cultures

The laboratory has equipment for isolation and maintenance of cell cultures and lines, therefore it is fully equipped for analytical, pharmacological and neurophysiological in vivo & in vitro research on animal models and cell cultures.





The Centre has 13 members : 2 full professors, 3 research associates, 4 research assistants and 4 research trainees.

Staff biographies…